Cloning a Repository

• When you clone a repository, files are copied to a folder in the location where you run the command

git clone <uri>


Create a Local Branch

• When you create a branch on your local repository, you are creating a safe place for you to make changes to the repo cloned
• Any changes made to the “master” branch on the remote server can easily be pulled down to your computer

# Create a new branch "mycode" with -b swtich
git checkout -b mycode


Keep Local Repository Up-to-Date

# Sync with remote repository
git fetch


Making Changes

# Check status
git status

# What is changed
git diff


Revert Changes

Scenario #1: Revert changes made to 1 file

# Restore the file to its last committed version
git checkout <file path>

Scenario #2: Revert changes made to several file


# Restore changes made to several files to last committed version
git reset --hard

Scenario #3: I created a branch to experiment with some changes, and now I just want to throw the whole thing out

# Delete a branch
git branch --delete --force <branch name>


Commit Changes

• You need to tell Git who you are before you can commit any changes to a repository (one-time setup)

# One-time setup of username and email address
git config --global "Your name"
git config --global
# or
git config --global --edit

# git add: Add files/ dir from Working Directory --> Staging Area

# Add a file
git add <file>

# Add certain file types
git add *.html

# Add all files & directories
git add -A
# or
git add .

# Commit
git commit -m "Put remark/message here"

# Reset author after Commit
git commit --amend --reset-author

# Commit made will be writtent to log
git log
