Debugging Basics


• When an error occurs while running a Python script, it will be raised and displayed to the user in the form of a "stack trace"
• A stack trace shows the calling "stack" of statements all the way from the top-level script that is being executed down to the statement that has produced the error
• The stack trace starts with the line beginning with Traceback and ends with the generated error message
• How to read and understand what a stack trace is telling you:
Read the Last Line First
◇ If you don't know what's going on, then review the call stack from Top to Bottom


Debugging Your Code at Run Time

• Use features from advanced IDEs like executing your code line by line or inserting a break point to in your code to examine intermediate output
• If advanced IDEs are not available, use the following methods

1. Using print statements

• To get the value of a certain variable at key points in your script
◇ Add visual prefixes like ==> or DEBUG: (or whatever you like) to highlight them in the output of your script

# Get the value of variable a
print("DEBUG: a=", a)

• To see the flow of your script as it runs

# Identify flow of a script
def my_function():
    print("==> Starting my_function()")

2. Using the Python Interactive Shell

• You can instruct the Python interpreter to run your script and then stay in the interactive shell by passing it the -i option when running your script

python -i <>

• This will help you to:
◇ Inspect module-scope variables
◇ Incrementally build your code
◇ Test out fixes to your code
