Package Manager (pip)


• Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4 or later includes by default
• Integrates with PyPI for packages
• Install, upgrade and uninstall package
• “requirements.txt” in projects provide input to pip



# Install pip for python 2
sudo apt install python-pip

# Install pip for python 3
sudo apt install python3-pip

• After you pip installed a library or a executable script, it will store in the /bin directory


How to manage Python packages and libraries with pip, the Python package manager

pip list                        # list of packages installed
pip search redis                # search for package

# Install a package
pip install <package>

# Ungrade a pakcage
pip install --upgrade <package>

# Uninstall a package
pip uninstall <package>

# View all packages installed
pip freeze

# Install packages in "requirements.txt"
pip install -r requirements.txt

import requests                 # import library
res = requests.get("")


Deploy a Python application's libraries and packages
with requirements.txt

• requirements.txt contains all the pacakges that you want to run pip to install on

'Freeze' installed Python packages into a requirements file

pip freeze > requirements.txt

tree myprogram
cat requirements.txt
# Output
# requests
# bs4
# redis
# Flask==0.11.1


Install a list of requirements from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt


Basic tips for using Python virtualenvs with Git

git init
vim .gitignore
# add venv to the .gitignore file
git status
