Installation Overview

Is the package really not available?

• Remotely query the Debian archive database about packages

rmadison “package”


Given a file name, what package contains that file?

# Search for packages that contain the specific filename
apt-file search filename

# List of contents of a specific package
apt-file list package_name


What is the install priority of each source?

apt-cache policy                    # show prorities of each source
apt-cache policy {package}          # for a specific package


Checked if a package is installed

dpkg -l {package}
# or
dpkg -l | grep {package}


Add entries to sources.list

• Script to add entries to /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo add-apt-repository <source_line>


Install a .deb file

sudo gdebi filename.deb     # auto install dependencies
# or
sudo dpkg -i filename.deb
sudo apt-get install -f     # install dependencies (if any)
# or
sudo apt install filename.deb


Install from repository backport

apt -t stretch-backports install {package}

• To fix resolution problems, update kernel from backport repository by installing linux-image-amd64 (meta package)

apt -t stretch-backports install linux-image-amd64


Installing from unstable/ testing

• SimpleBackportCreation link
• The first method will not attempt to upgrade any packages on your system, so if specific dependencies are not met, the install will fail.
• The second method will attempt to install/upgrade any dependencies. Of course, given the above example, 'apt-get' will ask you before proceeding.

apt-get install enlightenment/unstable
apt-get -t unstable install enlightenment


Run .bundle file

sh file.bundle


Replace text

sudo sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list 
